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How to Draw a Dragon Lizard

Smart Art Institute Online - Drawing and Painting Art Lessons

FIERCE! WATCH OUT! Draw a Dragon Step by Step. This fire breathing dragon is an advanced drawing lesson of a Chinese dragon styled creature with the body of lizard. Draw dragon's fire blazing from his mouth. With strong legs and sharp claws, this dragon is covered with scales and spikes. He is ready to do battle to protect his lair


Now let's get started with the Dragon Lizard drawing
step by step drawing tutorial.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 1:
Begin your Dragon Lizard Drawing with a long s-shaped curve leading from the head to the tip of the tail. Draw a tapered 3D box to block in the head.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 2:
Sketch the shape of the dragons body and use lines to work out the structure and position of the legs and feet.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 3:
Block in the lower jaw. Add the dragon's toes and claws.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 4:
Sketch the structure of the feet, place the nostrils and begin to work on the dragon's mane.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 5:
Block in the thighs. Sketch spikes form head to tail and sketch in a burst of flames blazing from the dragon's mouth.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 6:
Contour rings on the legs help define the shape and placement of scales. On the head and neck, add the eye sockets and continue to work the mane and spikes along the neck just behind the head.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 7:
Lighten your sketch with an eraser or us another sheet of paper to trace over your sketch. You can use a light table for this or even a window.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 8:
Begin to ink the dragon starting at the head. This is an opportunity to refine the structure and make another round of adjustments to your drawing.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 9:
Continue working down the neck, carefully choose the angle and direction of your spikes to work along the curvature of the body.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 10:
Ink the flames, the front legs and feet, and continue down towards the tail.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 11:
Complete the inking by adding shading lines and more spikes.

Dragon Lizard Drawing Tutorial Part 12:
Paint or color your dragon with marker, crayon or colored pencil.

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