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Beginners Photography Accessories

Your Camera and Getting Started Part 2 - Camera Accessories

Camera Equipment - Power and Storage

As you have fun creating photographs and artwork with your digital camera, it is very important to learn all about your camera equipment and be ready for all photographic opportunities that come your way!

Beginneres Photography Cameras

The best way to be prepared is to always have your camera equipment ready for action.

  • Photography Accessories - Power System:
    Your digital camera is powered by batteries. There are three types of batteries that your camera may use, regular batteries, rechargeable batteries or lithium camera batteries for longer life.

Beginners Photography Batteries

Take a few moments to get familiar with your camera batteries. Which type of batteries does your camera require? Where do you load and unload the batteries in your camera? Do you have new batteries or have you charged your rechargeable batteries to be ready for your shoot? Are your batteries properly loaded in your camera?

TIP: Keeping on hand a good supply of camera batteries that are fully charged and ready to go will insure that you are available and ready for any photographic opportunity.

Photography Accessories - Storage Media:
A digital camera captures and stores the image information on a some type of storage media digitally. "Compact Flash" and "SD" cards are among some of the most common types of storage media for digital cameras.

Beginners Photography Flash Cards

Take a few moments to examine your storage media. Which type of storage media does your camera require? There are many brands to choose from and it is important to use a reliable brand of card for your camera to store your photographs.

Always be very careful with your storage media, especially when you are loading or removing it from your camera. Your digital camera is just like a computer.

Always wait a few seconds after you turn your camera off to load or unload media. As with any type of computer equipment, there is always a chance of your storage media becoming corrupt or locking up so you will always want to take special care of all of your compact flash or SD cards.

Keep the extras in their plastic cases and do not expose any of your camera equipment to extreme hot or cold temperatures and never format or erase your images until you have loaded them on your computer and made a backup of them on a CD or DVD and you will have your digital photographic images to enjoy for many years.

Congratulations, you have finished this step-by-step online art lesson, "Digital Photography - Camera Equipment Power & Storage Photography Accessories"!

Great Job!

Digital Photography
by Portrait Artist - Dona Bonnett
A Digital Reflection Photography & Videography
Copyright 2010

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